Meet Tallebula

The collaboration between Kieran Chilcott and Hayley Ledden represents a unique and powerful merging of Indigenous and non-Indigenous art practices, cultures, and perspectives. Kieran is a member of the Yugarabul and Bidjara peoples, who are the traditional owners of the land on which South-East Queensland sits. His artistic practice draws on his heritage and his deep connection to the country, using traditional techniques and materials to create works that explore the rich cultural history and spirituality of his people.

Hayley, on the other hand, is a contemporary artist who was born and raised in South-East Queensland. Her work often explores themes of identity, memory, and place, and she has a particular interest in the intersection between the natural world and human experience. Hayley's artistic practice is grounded in experimentation, and she works across a range of mediums and styles.


Group Pic Tallebulla


Despite their different backgrounds and artistic practices, Kieran and Hayley were brought together by a shared passion for art and a desire to collaborate across cultural divides. Their collaboration is an important example of the possibilities that emerge when artists from different backgrounds come together to create something new.

Working together, Kieran and Hayley have created a range of artworks that draw on both of their practices. These include paintings that explore themes of cultural identity, spirituality, and the natural world. Their artworks are powerful and thought-provoking, reflecting the richness and complexity of Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultures in Australia.

The fact that both Kieran and Hayley were raised in South-East Queensland and currently live on the Gold Coast is significant, as it speaks to the importance of place and community in their work. By collaborating with an Indigenous artist, Hayley has been able to deepen her understanding of the land on which she lives and create artworks that are more connected to the local environment and culture. For Kieran, the collaboration has provided an opportunity to share his culture and knowledge with a wider audience, while also learning from a non-Indigenous artist and gaining new insights into different ways of seeing and creating.

Overall, the collaboration between Kieran Chilcott and Hayley Ledden is a powerful example of how art can bring people together, transcend cultural boundaries, and create new possibilities for understanding and connection.